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Business Introduction

W-SCOPE Group is moving forward to become No.1 in the global separator market by satisfying customer needs.
W-SCOPE Group secured high productivity, independent technology, and know-how by developing core technologies and production systems for membrane films.
A single ' technology platform' will be utilized to expand into various business sectors.





Lithium-ion Battery

Lithium-ion Battery

NCM/NCA Battery SeparatorFor EV & ESS

For EV & ESSFor EV & ESS

OthersFor military usages, etc.




Next-Generation Battery

Next-Generation Battery

Solid-State Battery

Sodium-ion Battery Separator

Lithium-Metal and Lithium-Sulfur Separator




Ion Exchange Membrane

Ion Exchange Membrane

Extraction of organometallic
(Mine and Salt Lakes) Extraction and concentration purification of
lithium from salt lakes and seawater Wastewater treatment

Wastewater treatmentRemoval of metallic components from wastewater




Treatment filter

Treatment filter

Semi-conductor・DisplayTreatment filter of waste chemical and ultra-pure water/material system area






Textile・FurniturePersonal clothing, waterproof-breathable outdoor, functional textile

OthersFirefighting supplies, military boots, children's products

Main Business

WCP is dedicated to expanding the gap in performance, safety, and eco-friendly technologies of lithium-ion batteries and next-generation batteries for the energy revolution.

Lithium-ion Battery

WCP specializes in lithium-ion battery separators, possessing the technology of environmentally friendly water-based slurry that increases the safety of the battery.

리튬베터리,자동차,전기자동차 이미지
What is a Lithium-ion Battery?

Lithium-ion batteries are reusable by recharging and discharging. They are in the spotlight for their economical and environmentally friendly advantages compared to primary batteries which can not be re-used.

자동차 아이콘

카메라 아이콘

컴퓨터 아이콘

핸드폰 아이콘

베터리 아이콘

What is Lithium-ion Battery Separator (LiBS)?

LiBS is a permeable membrane placed between the anode and cathode. The main function of the separator is to keep the two electrodes apart to prevent the explosion. It carefully lets only the ions pass through the internal microscopic hole with no electrical conductivity. Furthermore, the shutdown function blocks up micro-pores when thermal runaway occurs by internal or external short circuits.

리튬이온 배터리 분리막 백터화

리튬이온 배터리 분리막 3D 이미지

195, Megapolliseu-ro, Daesowon-myeon, Chungju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, Republic of Korea(27461) TEL: +82-43-870-3300 FAX: +82-43-870-3399

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